Deleted "infected" e-mail

In Outlook Express I get messages posted to a group. At times I get the avast message “Multiple Content-Type Header HIGH DANGER” and the message is deleted. This is NOT good. The messages are not infected, and I miss a posting. Suggestions? durdyolman

I suggest a forum search for HIGH DANGER or Multiple Content-Type as there have been a few topics relating to this and it concerns an ISP BellSouth is this your ISP ?

If so, check out these topics:

Thanks David, and YES IS my ISP. I went to the areas you posted and found more data than I can digest. Seems MAY be the problem and also seems there are quite a few folks working on it, (except Itesh in Bombay) so I’ll just sit back out of the way and see what happens.
PS The only e-mail I have a problem with comes from a Yahoo Group w/fwds or attachments.

No problem, welcome to the forums.

Yes, the problem stems from your ISPs handling of email (filtering) that has attachments. The topics are quite long as it took some time to work out who was at fault and BellBumSouth have admitted that they are having problems with their email servers. The last page of the first link is obviously the current situation worth monitoring.

The second link started after the problem was identified and is much shorter, but now it has been identified who is at fault, you are in the lap of the gods awaiting BellBumSouth fixing it.