deleted win32:Small-ied trojan, now can't boot laptop

Hi everybody - I hope somebody can help me. I set up my laptop (Clevo D800P) and had it running really great. Downloaded Avast and found I had a trojan (supposed to be a clean install of XP!). Instead of quarantineing it, I deleted it. I then shut down laptop and went to bed. Next morning, couldn’t get it to go past the first bios screen (Hit F2 to enter setup). What can I do to get it running again? It recognizes everything, just won’t continue to boot. I was told I had a fried mb but Clevo tech says if it recognizes hd, it isn’t fried. I’ve tried the XP disc but it still doesn’t do anything. I’m at work so I don’t have access to laptop to give any more info. Thanks, dragonmagic

This is the most weird thing… Can’t you boot with XP disk?

Remember that is always safe to send the file to Chest then direct removal of it.

can’t do a thing. I was wondering - would it make a difference whether XP was Home or Pro?

No, the computer should boot with the CD.
Seems that you have a deep hardware failure (probably at the motherboard). Sorry.
I don’t think it’s related to the virus deletion. It could be a coincidence.

oh well, thanks anyway.