Hi - does anyone know how to delete a scheduled scan in Avast Free? - I am reasonably computer savvy but can’t see how it can be done.
What kind of scan…? (Full/Quick/Custom)
Full scheduled scan
- Download Avast Free Antivirus: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe
- Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
- Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
- Reboot.
Thanks - should be easier than that, though
If you can see the scheduled scan, than you should also be able to turn it off.
If you can’t find that scheduled scan then doing a clean install is the easiest way to delete that scan.
Thanks Bob
Yep I can see the scheduled scan but there isn’t a “delete” option. Re-install the only choice.
It uses the Windows Task Scheduler.
Thanks Bob
Checked that - nothing for Avast on the Task Scheduler. Must be different on the free version.
You should be able to do this from within avast.
If you can see the Scheduled scan (presumably in the Protection > Virus Scans > Custom Scans - Click on that and you should see your custom scans), can you not also see its settings ?
If you can go into the settings hover over the scan name and you should see three dots … (this is a menu, More) and set the Frequency (of the scheduled scan you want to stop) to Never.
Thanks David. That works for a custom scan but for a scheduled full virus scan in the free version there is no delete or amend option
Sorry, my image just shows the default name when first create a Custom Scan it will be called a Quick Scan, perhaps I was wrong in (not reading the full topic) thinking you had created a custom scan.
Why this isn’t available if you open the Protection > Virus Scans - Full Virus Scan settings tab is beyond me. This new UI is a bloody minefield.
I just wonder if you had this Full Virus Scam scheduled on a prior version of avast and the avastUI and that has been inherited on the existing installation and no way of stopping it.
I even checked the avastUI > Settings > General > Troubleshooting - Open old settings - General > Special Scans and the only thing there is the Explorer Scan.
Thanks anyway David for getting involved.
You’re welcome.