Deploy Avast! on Windows 7

Can’t do it through ADNM or by loading the .msi…just blips then goes away…have tried all the advice in the forum…no good…this has been going on for 6 months, every W7 machine is a problem…two I never got working and had to install someone’s free solution…get this error: failed (0x00000005)…using domain admin account, using domain user who is an admin on the machine…tweaked the registry…remote reg is on…firewall is off…HELP!!!

I have seen DNS issues cause this before. I have also seen a case where using the “administrator” account as opposed to an administrator equivilant was the point that we were able to push the install from ADNM.

Can you post the relevant portion of the remote install log from the ADNM console? It does indeed sound like there is a permissions issue.

Int he Console go to View > Show AMS Logs > Remote Install. Copy Paste the portion of the log that pertains to one of the Win 7 clients you are trying to deploy to.

jbogut, I also have the same experiance
usually this because of the DNS, you can check to ping the computer installed with ADNM from the Win 7 client.