Deploying Client using System Clone Image

So we use Clonezilla to create clone image files for the various computers we have in the district.

I cant find anything to indicate that this will not work, but thought I should ask before making my image.

Can we just install Avast Endpoint onto the computer being cloned and then blast the clone image to all the machines it is required on?

Is there any update on this? Most schools clone their systems as a time savings, and being able to include Avast would be great.


I haven’t personally gotten the chance to try this, however I have heard it will work. I’m hoping to test it over the next few months, but things have been busy. Also I haven’t had the time to find a lot of documentation on the it. If you find anything I would be happy to hear!

There’s a file in the Avast folder that you’re suppose to run. For my installation its C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast Business\aswImgPr.exe or just search for the file.

OK. I don’t know if anyone else has gotten closer on this issue, but we’re working through this same process.

This is what I’m doing/seeing:

Fresh Win7 x64
Install Apps
Install Avast (shows up in AEA)
Run aswImgPr.exe
Create Image

Deploy Image
Complete “new computer startup”
Avast client looks good
AEA client shows new computer with right name but same GUID.

No matter what we do, they always have the same GUID. I’ve even found the GUID in the registry, cleared it, then rebooted. It comes up with a new GUID in the registry, but never shows up in the AEA console with a different number.

Does this matter? Will this be fine? Will we run into problems down the road if they all have the same GUID?

We really want to make it part of the image to reduce steps at deployment time. Any suggestions appreciated!


Be sure to check that all machines are getting VPS updates, as the console may use the GUID’s to identify which machines have been updated, licensed, or counted for on reports. Officially, avast suggests you use the deployment console to deploy the clients, but I don’t see any reason why this shouldn’t work just fine.

Do let us all know! :slight_smile:

We’re going to wait and see what happens after 24 hours, then we’ll know if they are receiving updates with them both online using the same GUID.

In the mean time, what could this message below mean? We can’t find any other references to the NetAgent. Also, we’ve confirmed that running this tool does not change the GUID in the two places it exist in the registry. We’ve verified both before the shutdown for sysprep as well as after the first boot when it has already shown up in the AEA. Still the same GUID.


C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast Business>aswimgpr

avast! Disk Image Prepare Utility, Version 7.0
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2013 AVAST Software

Warning: avast! NetAgent service is not running…

The system is now ready to be imaged. This is true until the next reboot.
That is, the imaging should be done before rebooting the computer -
otherwise, you’ll have to rerun this utility.

After the imaging is complete, please reboot the machine.


We have determined that with duplicate GUID numbers, the machines still get their def updates like they should. At least the two machines we’re testing with. They also respond independently to commands like scanning the disks. So, theoretically everything would be fine.

We’ve also spent some time digging through the client and have determined that the setup.ini file located inside the Avast Business\Setup directory controls the GUID sent to the server. Apparently, you can wipe out the GUID all day long in the registry and it will generate a new one. But it only reports the ID from that file.

For example, we blanked out the GUID line from the file under the [Common] section and the client reported all zeros for it’s GUID. Subsequently it didn’t seem to function that well either. As soon as we put a newly generated GUID from the registry in it’s place and rebooted, it reported the new ID to the server and all was well.

Suggestions? Comments?


Not much to contribute, but I’m happily surprised to hear it’s all working well…
I’ll look into getting more information about how (or should I say, if) the console uses GUID’s.

Thanks for all the info!


The console does not use GUID’s for any aspect of normal functionality, and there is no reason (according to R&D) that the client will not work while part of a mass deployment image.


That’s excellent news. Thank you for that confirmation. We’ve been seeing good results in our tests and initial (but small) deployments. There is always that small piece of doubt in the back of your head when you just don’t know for sure if you’re going to run into problems down the road.

Thanks again!


Glad to help, and thanks again for all the info you’ve provided.