Deployment failed, but job shows successful

Just installed SBC Beta 2 and ran the job “Deploy/update avast! clients on selected computers”. I selected 1 computer, set credentials and ran the job. The target was a Windows 7 Pro machine with firewall turned off. I didn’t really expect it to install, but was surprised to see the job say it completed successfully. I didn’t get any feedback that it did not install on “computer x”.

I was able to manually install the managed client on the PC and it does connect back to the SBC.

as stated in the release notes… the GUI reports successful installs even tho it fails

im more interrested in the rest of the configuration of your Win7 client…
my clients dont seem to connect to SBC at all… they are clean installations (vm’s)
besides the windows firewall and the file sharing, what did you adjust (either on win7 or in SBC)

Guess I should have read the release notes more carefully.

I didn’t do anything special on either to get it to see the client to communicate with SBC. The SBC is installed on a WIN 7 Ultimate x64 (test machine). Firewall turned off. It’s in a domain environment, so it picked up all the PC’s in the discovery, even ones we haven’t cleaned up from AD yet. On the client, during the install, I put in the DNS name of the PC SBC is installed on and it showed up right away. I’m able to run scans from the SBC on the client.

thnx for the info :slight_smile: