AVAST cada vez pior. Usei Destruidor de Arquivos Excluidos, antes tinha 246 GB. Após o destruidor (28 horas rodando) restaram 240 GB. O QUE O AVAST FEZ COM 6 GB DO MEU LAPTOP. Pela 3a. vez isso acontece.Ao vencer o AVAST, direi bye-bye e nunca mais.
As an Avast Free user I don’t have the Deleted File Shredder.
However, it isn’t completely getting rid of them, it shreds them like a paper shredder, then they are deleted…
Not sure what you mean by what did Avast do with 6GB of your drive, given the 264GB was that the data on the drive or the actual drive size ?
You may want to check out this link - https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/antivirus-data-shredder-faq/#pc