The dashboard show that 9 device is in danger, because “Your virus definitions are more than 21 days out of date”
But is just use yesterday database (2015-06-04)
Please fix it,
Thank you!
The dashboard show that 9 device is in danger, because “Your virus definitions are more than 21 days out of date”
But is just use yesterday database (2015-06-04)
Please fix it,
Thank you!
I have the same problem, and was about to start a new forum thread. Glad to see it’s not just me.
Been happening for the same 4 PCs on my network since upgrading to 10.0.2505 (about 2 weeks). I usually get a notification every 2 days of this problem but are actually updating daily so cant be 21 days old.
I am finding 2505 to be very buggy with few problems for 2504. Maybe there are problems with upgrading from one version to the other that people aren’t getting with fresh 2505 installs. I really don’t want to have to reinstall on all my machines again to fix this.
Same problem here. Same 4 machines… All Macs
Hi Guys,
We are aware of the issue and working to correct it as soon as possible.
Thanks @Sigmon I think it’s fixed, I haven’t seen a notification email for a couple of days now.
We have same problem with our 9 devices and virus definition updates.
Is this issue resolved completely?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Mikro,
We haven’t seen any reports of this lately. If you are having issues with this, use the live chat or support option when you log in the portal so we can get a ticket started for your issue.
I’m testing Avast Business in my office on two machines but I keep getting the obsolete database notification for one of these pc. The database is of course updated, but I still receive the notification by email every day. When clicking on Support I’m redirected to this errore page:
Please let me know
Hi Sergio,
Use the live chat or support option in the portal to submit a ticket so we can take a closer look to see what is happening.