Dear David,
Thanks so much for your helpful and constructive comments about my 2nd post (Now deleted.).
I posted the diagnostic info and list removal info. as something to help the internet community deal with AVAST’s software when it has created a problem for a member of the internet community.
I have no idea about the way your forum works vis a vis posting live links although IMHO the web interface is certainly very dated and looks like it was written at least 20 years ago. Anyway 1000 apologies if I broke some rule or other with my feeble attempt at humour in my post.
The reason why my website is not blacklisted any more by AVASTs fantastic software is that I requested de-listing and, seeing as it was a false positive, it was thankfully de-listed.
So, internet dwellers, here is how to get de-listed if the folks at AVAST accidentally buckshot your website too. Enjoy !!!:-
I worked out what was going on with this message from Avast.
If you look around on the internet, you will find a series of “Blacklists”.
These are publicly maintained lists of websites/ IP addresses which have been reported as having malware on them , or being the source of phishing attacks etc.
Avast will block a website if it is on a blacklist (Not sure which blacklists are used by Avast ? It would be good to know which ones I have to check if I am listed by Avast.).
For example, one list which I believe may be used by Avast is www(dot)virustotal(dot)com.
You can check to see if a particular ip address is listed on this blacklist by going to the address www(dot)virustotal(dot)com/gui/ip-address/
(Where is the IP address in question that I just made up).
I believe that the AVAST error message including the text “URL:blacklist” generated by the Avast software is due to Avast has flagged that the website/Ip address in question is blacklisted.
So, if your website users are getting this message then, you need to do the following:-
- Check if your website is on any blacklists.
- If your website is on a blacklist, then, carefully follow the instructions on the blacklist website to remove the problem that was leading to your website being blacklisted. Typical steps when doing this will be to check your firewall, file permissions in the web directories, check any files identified for infection/viruses, check your mail server has not been hijacked and is sending spam etc. (Such spam problems can also be due to one of your e-mail users having a compromised mail password), check for malware and generally spend several hours/days making sure no security issues exist.
- Once you fixed any problem, then, submit your website IP via the blacklist website for de-listing.
- Avast also has a de-listing service for websites that have been put on the Avast blacklist.
This de-listing service is at the following web address:-
Note: be careful not to request de-listing if your website still has problems. Otherwise, you’ll just get blacklisted again.
5. Check back in a few hours/days to make sure you have been de-listed.
The service may send you an e-mail confirmation if you are lucky.
6. Repeat as necessary until the problem is solved.
7. Then, you can go back to your normal sysadmin status of “paranoid slumber” ha ha ha.
Thanks everyone for your kind attention, and I hope somebody finds this post useful.
So long, and thanks for all the fish…