Difference Between Premium Security & Cleanup Premium

Hello everyone. I was hoping to have someone to call, but I didn’t see a customer service number to contact to have someone explain to me the difference between Avast Premium Security (APS) and Avast Cleanup Premium (ACP). Is it possible that APS is already part of ACP? I just want to make sure, in case I need to contact customer service for a refund, since I may have been overzealous and purchased ACP before upgrading my free trial of the antivirus to APS… :-[

I will just say the they are different products and the Avast Cleanup Premium isn’t included in the Avast Premium Security product.

The Avast Premium Security product is an Antivirus based product where the Avast Cleanup Premium is a system based tuning and cleaning tool. It is included in the Avast Ultimate product or can be purchased and could then be used alongside the Avast Premium Security product.

See https://www.avast.com/en-gb/compare-antivirus