What are the differences that take place between a “boot-time” scan and say a “thorough” or “standard” scan?
For you long time users of avast, how often do you think it is necessary do a boot-time or complete system scan? And do you have it scan “archive files” at that time?
It is only necessary to do a boot-time scan when you experience a problem with a detection in windows normal mode.
That is the purpose of it to scan before windows fully starts allowing you to deal with files that are either protected or in use whilst windows is running.
The Thorough scan but its name alone would give you a clue is the most ‘thorough’ scan, depending if you also select archives to be scanned.
I suggest a little therapeutic reading of the avast Help file (see image extract), Simple User Interface, Working with avast in the Simple User Interface ;D
The SUI does indeed clear up what scan does what; and I was unsure exactly what Archived Files were.
But, like most questions, an answer leads to another question :
Does a boot-time scan do “everything” that a “thorough + archived files” scan does?
The reason I ask this is I plan to do a complete scan on a schedule of say every two weeks. But I have found in the short time I have had avast that although a boot-time scan is lengthy (on my system about 90 minutes); it is actually faster than a normal “thorough + archived” scan. Doing that took about 4 hours (and the computer was not used during that time).
So I am trying to see what gives me a “complete” scan in the shortest time frame.
One other thing, does the boot-time also do the memory scan as when avast is initially launched? I checked thru the Help File and found no association between memory scan and boot-time; but my guess is this does take place during the boo-time sequence.
Archive (zip, rar, cab, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast’s Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned.
No the boot-time scan isn’t as thorough or do everything or scan archives, it would take too long, it would also be scanning files that frankly are of little or no risk swap thorough for paranoid and you have a good example.
I have only ever done a Through Scan with Archives once shortly after installation just to ensure a clean start state after installation if you select it. I believe a boot-time scan will be quicker and reasonably effective. Like everything in life things are a compromise.
For me that is a Standard scan without archives, read the image extract again and that tells you what will be scanned. The Quick is another option, but personally I find the Standard sensitivity the best compromise.
There won’t be much in memory (though I don’t know for sure if it is scanned), that is another point of running it, as windows hasn’t fully started. So on occasion where avast finds an infection in memory one of the option is to run a boot-time scan as it won’t be in memory.