Disable detecting particular file?

Every time I open IE, Avast detects Alexa toolbar as a virus, although it’s a totally legit program that I use for work (it shows traffic rank of websites I visit). There is no option to ignor it- it disables it. Is there any way to tell Avast to make a permanent exception? Otherwise I will either have to disable on-access protection or uninstall Avast.

If you know he path to the alexa file, you could add it to the on access exclutions list.

Left click the “a” icon, click on standard shield, customize button, advanced tab.

I think you’ll find that many security programs detect Alexa. It’s (borderline) spyware. Can be difficult to remove, negative forum posts are plentiful.

Oldman’s suggestion helped, thank you!

for Tarq57:

Can be difficult to remove, negative forum posts are plentiful.
Alexa toolbar has uninstall option ON THE TOOLBAR itself. And yes, it works. You do not even have to go to Add/Delete programs.

You are wlecome and welcome to the forums.