Is there a way to disable to the Avast e-mail footer without installing the Mail Shield? If not, can I install the Mail Shield, change the setting, and then remove the Mail Shield again?
I’m using Avast Free 20.2.2401 (build 20.2.5130.571) on Windows 10.
As far as I’m aware the email footer is off by default.
Not to mention if you don’t install the Mail Shield, your email shouldn’t be being scanned, so how is the footer in your email.
So, are you getting the scanned by Avast style footer in your email ?
If so did you previously have the email shield installed with the email footer enabled ?
I use webmail (Hotmail) if that makes a difference. The footer isn’t added to every e-mail but it seems to be added to most of them.
As far as I can recall, I’ve never had the Mail Shield installed on this computer. And if I did, I never enabled the e-mail footer.
I have the Mail Shield and never got the email signature to work with my hotmail/outlook account, but you were able to? And without the shield installed?
You can enable/disable avast email signature from UI menu > Troubleshooting >“old settings” > General
I don’t know what we will do when these “old settings” are eventually withdrawn from UI, as so much good stuff in there still.
The option is present in the new settings as well. The problem is that he doesn’t have the the Mail Shield installed, so the settings aren’t available.