After install is complete, “Welcome to Avast” audio is still enabled. When I look through the settings, all audio is turned off. Is there a way to silence this? We are planning on deploying this during the school day and do not this audio popping up on hundreds of computers.
On a side not. If you are not logged into the machine and the install completes there is no audio, its just when someone is logged in and the install completes.
I toyed with this a bit on our installer and found that the first “Welcome to Avast” message was unstoppable. With all sounds disabled on both the individual installer package and the AEA global settings, we always get the voice message when installing.
It didn’t end up being much of a problem across our 23 schools. I just sent a mass email explaining that we were changing our districts anti-virus and outlined some of the differences they should expect. I only got a few panicked phone calls regarding their computers talking to them.
I haven’t had the problem with every user login on one machine. It’s just the initial install that says it for me.
What environment is this happening on? XP/7? Virtual session? Are you sure the sounds are disabled in the avast settings on this machine?