display SMS - problem


I have a small question concerning the sending and receiving of SMS remote control.
When I use this function, the SMS received on my phone is displayed at the reception. So, if after a flight, I send an SMS (ex: “0000 LOST”), the thief will immediately know my code Avast (0000) and can therefore easily cut it!
Is there an option for the SMS received on Avast be hidden?

i am sure you got a warning about incompatible sms tool when launching anti-theft, right? did you ignore it?

PS: 0000 is not a valid access code as it is the default one. your code needs to be changed.

Yes, I think I got a message saying that the software I use for SMS could be a problem … What do I do once?
PS: 0000 is an example, my code is of course not 0000

which tool do you use?

Go SMS Pro

Go SMS is a tool that the developers do not change the SMS priority. Until they review this position, it will be incompatible with avast! Mobile Security, afaik.

So what is the consequence? This makes it impossible to mask SMS on Avast, is that correct? There he other consequences?

So, is it possible to have a list of tools compatible with Avast?

The AntiTheft part of avast! requires the access to the SMS to remote control the device. If another tool get a higher priority, it does not allow the AntiTheft to do its work. A lot of users reported this to Go developer. Seems they won’t change their position of keeping Go SMS at highest priority.

The AntiTheft must be the highest priority SMS tool. Otherwise, it won’t work.
Generally, resident apps of SMS are incompatible with the AntiTheft of avast!.

What do you mean with “resident apps of SMS” exactly?
I’m ready to change my SMS management application, but which should I choose to allow it to stay Avast highest priority?

apps that run in background or like a service, generally automatic startup.

The default SMS tool of Android.

This would mean that Google Voice has higher priority than Avast anti-theft & Go SMS Pro. It gets my SMS messages before Go SMS Pro.

Maybe it’s a system application that avoids any other to have higher priority… But I’m not sure.

Yes, the Google Voice is faster than avast. The same situation as with Go SMS Pro - until the developers of this tools will not change the behavior, we are not recommend these to be set as a default application for SMS sending and receving.