Distorted Blue Pop-Up

With my update blue pop-up the writing is so distorted as to be unreadable. Do I have a more serious problem afffecting the updates even though it doesnt appear so ???
Doesnt bother me just want to make sure all OK :slight_smile:
Thanks Phil

Phil, may I ask you a personal question??

What is your system color depth?



A distortion such as you describe is not normally attributed to Avast since Avast does not control your video display card.

It may indicate that you have other trouble in you computer.

Does the distortion show up anywhere else?
or at any special time (reboot, loading another application etc…)


Techie, I have a distortion too…
Vlk, my color depth is 1280 x 960 pixels, 32bits (maximum) :cry:

Can you post a screenshot?


Here you have it :wink:


Oh Joy! Add me to the list! I’m three!

1024 x 768. Not really sure how long it has been that way. Never paid much attention to the splash. The rest of Avast seems to be fine.


So this is what you call a blue popup? Jeez… :wink:
I thought you guys were talking about the ‘Virus DB has been updated’ thing…

BTW what’s wrong with the splash? OK, it’s a bit streched but other than that, no problem right?

I thought you guys were talking about the 'Virus DB has been updated' thing...

Vlk I was ;D ;D
How do I work out what the color is ???
Cheers Phil

What is your system color depth

After reading other post have found what you want

800 x 600 pixels colours 256

Forgive my dumbness :-[ :-[ ;D


Ok. I think I know what everyone is talking about.
It is the double shadow effect on the splash.

I believe this has always been there. Right?

When it was brought up here, I doubted what I had seen on startups.

I guess the mind is finally going. ;D


The characters have a poor definition… Maybe because they are streched too :cry: