I downloaded avast free antivirus about a month ago and it was great then paypal sent me a notification saying I paid them $59.99 CAD WHICH I DID NOT APPROVE. I didn’t even give them ANY payment info whatsoever. They hacked my information and stole my money. TERRIBLE COMPANY DO NOT DOWNLOAD
→ https://support.avast.com/article/24/ (Orders and Renewals)
Where did you download Avast free?
It’s free only from Avast itself; some companies seem to make money by distributing the software.
Been using Avast for years now and I always unchecked the auto renewal. I also got a email from what seemed to be pay pal (it was not) saying the same thing as you mention. I checked all to be sure (I have no accounts or cards linked with my pay pal account so i know it cant be true) and checked the avast account. Its a fake email and you should report it to all relevant agencies.
As said above, consider this:
And lots more if you search >> https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence?s=Pay+pal