Do the scroll test, folks!

Hi malware fighters,

Do the scroll test for Fx or Flock here:

What were your results? With SRWare’s Iron the time the scrolling took was 12227ms,


Time the scrolling took: 12756ms using Flock.

Safari on the iPod touch beats you, 4655ms :wink:
I would attach a screenshot but it won’t let me :frowning:

btw, what is this for?


Firefox 3.0.11

Time the scrolling took: 4081ms

na, na, na, na, na. Just like being back at school round here ;D

Ran it a second time and slightly quicker, see image, so it looks like this might be more in favour of firefox, though I haven’t a clue what it is meant to achieve.


On Firefox 3.0.11^^


-= 10 005 on Google Chrome 2.0

3968 ms on Firefox 3.0.11.

Polonus: What is this about? A competition?

Is the goal a low or high score?

All I got out of it was to leave my Opera for 20 seconds… :slight_smile:


Hi folks,

This was the page for which the slow roll bug was reported:
The bug was later solved, but I wanted to see what browsers had what scrolltime.
It seems this issue is also driver related for scrolling and painting the window,
