Does antivirus software slow down PCs?

Avast! Free Antivirus score 8.4.On Performance endurance test.Even Kaspersky Internet Security 2015,Bitdefender Internet Security scores 5.1 & 5.3??? here is the link:

Please stop tying to understand things you are not capable of.

It is just another useless test.
They don’t mention what versions of the software is used, what hardware configuration, software configuration and many other things that influence the results.

Don’t forget that in that year several versions of avast (and other av’s) have been released.

To answer your question properly, yes! All antivirus programs slow down your computer, because they are constantly scanning files as they are opened, copied, moved, downloaded, or saved in real time.

The performance hits these various programs give is determined by how their scanning, and real time protection engines go about doing their jobs. Some are able to scan files much quicker in real time than others, providing a smaller performance hit. There are other factors as well, such as how much processor time, and RAM these programs.

No offense to the first reply, but telling someone to stop trying to understand something is FAR less productive than taking the time to explain. If I were the OP of this thread, I’d have been HIGHLY offended by your first sentence, since it is a horrible insult (even if it wasn’t meant as one).

BeSecure since you are new you should listen to the experts in this forum who has a wealth of knowledge about this kind of topics. I have been using avast since version 7 and been in this forum since 2011. Back then my laptop was windows 7 and I used programs like MS Word Suite, few installed games, SAS Pro, MBAM Free, Autodesk softwares, adobe reader, the usual programs java,flash,shockwave, google chrome and etc software. No where during that time I had avast it didn’t slow my software down. My comp specs that time was decent 2.4 ghz, 4 gd ram, nvidia geforce (forgot the model), 500 GB hard disk.

Now I have windows 7 SP1 and this is my laptop specs. Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7-3610QM, Memory: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 (max supports 8GB DDR3),Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M, Video memory: 2 GB DDR3 dedicated, and hard disk: 640 GB SATA (5400 rpm). I am still using Avast Free latest version. Still same result, Avast free not slowing down at all. As he was saying before “They don’t mention what versions of the software is used, what hardware configuration, software configuration and many other things that influence the results”. It all depends what your computer specs are and etc

Just because you don’t see the performance hits, don’t mean they are not there! Regardless of the specs, or program versions, your computer DOES take a performance hit, even if it is so slight that you cannot see it.

Your hardware, and software together decide how much of a performance hit you will receive, and whether you will notice it. I may not be an “Expert” as you say, but I have been working with, and repairing computers for more than 20 years.

It is a well known fact that you will have a performance hit no matter what AV you have installed.

Something like this test/trial/review, etc. can be misleading, whilst they are running the test on the same system spec so there should be consistency there. But how do we compare what is actually being scanned and in what depth by the different AVs and keep that the same, we can’t. So there are going to be inaccuracies.

The next point when you have an order of relative performance hits; don’t say oh my god my AV has a rating of X, but in terms of those above X. The difference between the two isn’t X, but the difference av B - av A equalling Y, so the hit doesn’t appear to be massive.

I have always considered personal experience a greater test of real world and for the most part is over a much greater time frame. Do you the user feel that your system is hampered, personally I don’t, so I don’t yearn over something with a theoretical better performance ranking.

Any program that monitors and/or scans your files will degrade your system.
It’s the amount of the degregation that needs to be evaluated and weighed.
Acceptable levels also depend greatly on your systems capabilities.
I use Avast, Winpatrol, WinPrivacy, MBAM,MB AntiExploit and all of these programs use resources.
No problem on my system but, if you have a system thats barely able to run your OS, this will probably
bring that system to it’s knees.
On your computer, you need to weigh what’s acceptable and what’s too much.

Thanks.@bob3160.But you may notice that avast! is petty much disk Intensive in 2015.10.2.2218 version.what about that?

Something I’ve also expressed my concerns about and something that I’m sure Avast is aware of and working to improve.

At times, the program can be disk intensive, but that is during file scanning, which is what can cause the performance hits, and delays in opening certain files, or running certain programs.

How much a performance hit degrades your overall system performance depends on the hardware installed. Such things as the speed of your processor, and the amount of RAM, and the type, and speed of your hard drive can also decide such things, not to mention the amount of fragmentation on your hard drive.

On most, if not all modern PCs, the performance hits that Avast! gives will not be significant enough to hamper your system, the main exception to that being when it finds a threat, and has to lock that threat down.

As a note, when running an active scan that you initiate (quick scan, complete scan, custom scan etc) it’s recommended that you do not use your PC during the scan, both for performance, and security reasons.

As a note, when running an active scan that you initiate (quick scan, complete scan, custom scan etc) it's recommended that you do not use your PC during the scan, both for performance, and security reasons.
Sorry but the only reason not to use your system while a scheduled scan is running has to do with performance. It doesn't have anything to do with security.

Hm? Those that do not have a performance hit, congrats. Those that do, you MAY be getting a performance hit via Avast.

I, for one, being a former Dell phone tech dealing with both hardware and software issues, having worked on computers before and since, I have a MAJOR performance hit brought on my Avast.

I’m 53 years old, was in the computer industry from 1992 to 2001. As stated, I have been working on computer issues, both HW and SW, since working in the industry.

I had NO performance hit before I installed Avast a couple days ago. I installed Avast and no other new programs, now I have a MAJOR performance hit across the board, ESPECIALLY on Google Chrome, which halts in its normal duties as a web browser (meaning the icon on the tab stops spinning and Chrome gets program unresponsive error for a couple seconds, then continues to run through the same slowdown problems listed, on the same page download (NOT a refresh, the SAME attempt at loading the page). This can occur several times locking up Chrome).

ANY application that tags the internet (Steam and games working through Steam or not, ESPECIALLY MMO games; programs that look for any updates needed; etcetera). Fortunately, the performance hit is not as bad as what Chrome experiences, though some FPS issues occur during gamings, as well as an occasional drop out of game due to server disconnect problems. The FPS and server disconnect problems stop when I shut down Avast. By the way, when having these issues (FPS and server) I check with the manufacturer of the game (I play several different MMO and non-MMO games) to see if they are having issues at there end. 99% of the time they are not.

I have shut down all foreground apps save Chrome when accessing the internet via Chrome. I have shut down all apps save Steam when gaming through Steam, and the performance hit occurs BEFORE I have launched my first game. I have launched other programs, shutting down all foreground apps, and still notice the performance hit. All issues listed in this paragraph, I also had shut down applications that run in the background that have NOTHING to do with the apps listed here, but still, the performance hit is present. I shut down background apps on a second attempt at running the apps listed in this paragraph. Meaning I had done one running though without other foreground apps loaded, THEN a run through with BOTH foreground and background apps shut down.

I have rebooted my system multiple times, with multiple run throughs listed above, with no change in performance.

Shutting down Web Shield does NOTHING. Exiting the Avast application (read turning Avast OFF), the issues listed above, and others I have not listed, STOP! I restart Avast all issues listed above begin again.

To reinforce the slow downs hit: It IS massive and extremely irritating!

I would understand IF the problem occurs on an obscure website, one that Avast has no knowledge of, but sites like Facebook, Google and Google+? Sites that I have gone to that Avast may have no knowledge of several times, Avast does not recognize them. The toolbar apps that Avast installs lists the sites I go to as Safe, and it matters not that I say I have had a positive experience on that site, still the performance hit is present and no change in its severity.

Due to a medical problem I suffer from, I use a Text-To-Speech (TTS) app to aid in reading, with just the app and Chrome running, the speech is garbled at times, something that did not occur before installing Avast. This is annoying.

Now, on to my system hardware and version of Avast:

I am running the latest version of Internet Security 2015.

AMD FX™-6300 Six-Core Processor
16.0 GB RAM
64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Windows 8.1 with latest downloads of important and needed updates

So, the hardware and software seem to be working properly, but the inclusion of Avast hits my system with a massive performance degradation.

Do you mind telling me what I have missed?

Ah, I see you are saying when Avast is scanning in whatever manner is has available.

The issues listed in my previous post are NOT occurring when Avast is scanning save its looking at the internet when accessing. This is what brings my system to a crawl. I do verify from time to time, especially when running into the problems when running Chrome, that Avast is NOT running any form of disk scan at the time.

Just a little FYI.

Please re-read my post. I said when running a scan that YOU initiate. Scheduled scans are not initiated by the user, but even still. you don’t think that it’s possible that using the computer during a scan has the potential to compromise it further? If you’re having to run a scan, then most likely, it’s because Avast’s real time protection missed the threat that you’re looking for, or you believe that this is the case.

You can technically run a disk defragmenter, and use that disk at the same time too, but that doesn’t guarantee that there won’t be damage to files that you’re using, if the defrag app is trying to defrag the same files.

Nothing is guaranteed, and that is the way of things. I speak from experience.

Have you tried running a full system scan to ensure that your system isn’t actually already infected? You can also use other malware scanners to check for the presence of malware that Avast! will miss. In certain situations, malware can interfere with normal computer operations, but not be caught by your antivirus program. In this situation, you can run other scanners (Like malwarebytes Anti-Malware) in order to search for, and remove the infections that Avast! missed.

If your system is not infected by malware, and you’re still having this issue, the next step is to write down the activation key you paid for, then completely uninstall Avast! Internet Security, redownload it fresh (after clearing your browser’s cache, and windows temp files), and try reinstalling it again. If this fails, I would personally request a refund, and switch products, as it may be some kind of incompatibility with your hardware, or software.

@ Rick,
A computer with those credential should fly. If it doesn’t than maybe you need to find out why.
As you can see from my post, my system isn’t as powerful and I run more scanning software besides Avast and still have no problems. :slight_smile:
I happen to use a Dell Inspiron 17 5000 Series with out any problems. :slight_smile:

In reference to malware, I have a purchased malware, Iobit’s Malware Fighter v3.1 (purchased) that runs continuously. The malware runs a scan overnight, I’ll check to see if it is a full scan or not.

I have a disk defrag that I run once every week or two due to uninstalling/installing games, which I do fairly often (suffer from ADHD :slight_smile: ). I have a two-gig HDD, half is free.

When needed I run a full scan via Iobit’s Advanced SystemCare 8 (purchased). I have yet to run it, though the app says everything is running fine. I think I’ll run it just to say I did.

Avast lists the system as protected. I believe that I have run a full scan, but will do so again to verify.

I know this system should fly, and I’m here to find out why it is not. :-\

Yeah, haven’t done a reinstall. It is on my list, though.

Sorry but Iobit is something most of us here on this forum and many others avoid. If you’re curious why, read the following:

Any recommendation on a software package that does similar functions?

I was actually going to mention the same thing about iObit, but you beat me to it lol

Some others I would suggest are Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, SUPERAntispyware, and spybot Search & Destroy. You can also use things like CCleaner to help optimize, and clean your system, much in the same way that Advanced System Care does (Minus the speed hacks)

Defragging as often as you say you do has the potential to wear out the hard drive sooner rather than later. I usually recommend running defrag about once a month as an average.

Advanced System Care, and Malware Fighter, etc from iObit has a high potential to be the cause of your problem. I’ve had many problems with their software to the point that they are unreliable, and suspicious, especially where their system optimizations, and registry cleaning are concerned. My recommendation to you is to remove their software, and get yourself some that is more reputable, and reliable. iObit’s software has destroyed my windows install more than once, both free, and paid versions.