Does anyone create skins here?

Hello everyone…I am new here, but I was wondering if anybody would take a request to create a new skin? I am a member of the Ford Taurus Car Club and we have a large Avast! Following there! I was looking for someone to make a skin with Ford blue oval logo, the TCCA Bull Logo and maybe a taurus dash board and steering wheel or something…be creative! I will give full credit to the author on the forums! If you are interested, you can get photos etc…from the website or email me and I can send you some stuff…Thanks so much! Barry

I think Sasha would be the one for this,but as before there may be trademark issues regarding Ford name and logo…

See more info about skin desing here:

Read carefully reply #4 in that particular thread.
You’ll have to learn how to manage ActiveSkin (a very complex utility) and SkinBuilder.

It’s not an easy work! :wink:

Exactly and that’s why I’m trying to stay away from skins with those thematics… I completely switched to originally designed skins by me, and also to skins that can be widely used by many different groups of users… it’s kinda very demanding and time consuming task and lack of spare time is literally killing me. Sorry, maybe some other skin creators this time, there are also some amazing designers gathering in this group.

Regards and all the best ! ( btw, very nice forum, I am also a member of the Geo Storm community)

I read the design tutorial and it is way past my skill level…

If someone is interested, maybe they could just do a Taurus dash board theme with the TCCA Logo and leave the ford logos out? I understand how time consuming this task is and I am only presenting it to you guys…I totally understand if there are no takers. I just thought it would be a fun project to help another forum out and to help promote avast. Thanks again, Barry…

Well I don’t work for Alwil Software, but I don’t know if this is exactly what they need to promote avast!

Avast! is already well known antivirus. I see you guys also have your online store ( ), so I think it would help you to promote/advertize your business much more than to promote this antivirus. It’s already good enough, and if that is not the reason, you guys wouldn’t use it in the first place, right ?

Also, sticking your logo on antivirus product wouldn’t look too professional for avast!, security related program IMHO… sorry, but that’s just my opinion. My intention is not to ofend anyone (not in any circumstances), but I’m just saying how it looks like… :-\

Avast = Avast and nothing else.
A Avast skin is for the users of Avast and should not contain any logo (or simulair) from a club/company/institution etc.
SKins are ment to give the users another look, not to promote/advertise things.
If you really want to promote somthing then buy something from Avast’s store and show it to everone.

No offense ment, this is just my opinion.

Good point Eddy. I completely agree with you. rocketfoot, there are enough skins created which shouold match almost any taste of users. And they are created ONLY FOR USERS. avast! is not a product of that kind. It is not going to fall so low as to use logos from clubs/companys/institutions. And I think it is not only my opinion. >:(

Welcome to the forum.
Creating a skin isn’t child’s play. It’s a lot of hard and time consuming work.
If you really want a skin with your logo on it, then YOU or some one from your club should make
the effort and take the time away from your business to create your own private skin.
I would however consider such a skin a club promotion not an avast! skin.
As Sasha already mentioned, this promotes your club or business not the AV program.

Will you pay for that? Why on your first two posts you’ve just ask we, the free users, make this job?
For fun?
Well, we’re not here to promote 3rd parties :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s just it’s not fair that you, or anybody else, earn money with our work.
You entered these forums today and the first you’ve asking something for free?
Well, enjoy avast! forums first. Help the others. Be a friend. Then you can count with our help, friendship and time :wink:
Look, nothing personal, just trying to make the forum clean and our minds focused on what we love here in these forums :slight_smile:

I’m not that sure… which company is being promoted here?

Sorry folks, I didn’t mean to offend anyone! I just asked a question and now I know the answer.

BTW our club is a non profit site and this proposed skin would have never been for sale. The cafe press items all help pay for the cost of the servers and bandwidth for our forums.

Thanks for the welcomes, I hope to stick around and learn more about avast! I really do like it so far! Thanks, Barry

No problem Barry, stick around and whenever you have some questions feel free to ask, but also try to provide some help sometimes if possible. There are many levels of knowledge, so there is always someone who knows more than you and who can assist you with your problems, but also, there will always be someone who knows a lot less than you, so your help will be very valuable for them.

I’m assuring you that no one in this forum has anything against you, and every one who posted in this thread is just trying to protect avast! from falling into advertizing business. They all are wonderful people and most important, greatest friends ever. Can’t find people like them very often. I know all these lines sounded kinda harsh, but that’s the way how we think when it comes to this wonderful product.

Again, no offend taken and I hope you don’t feel offended either. Stick around and I’m sure you will find some wonderful friends in here and build another wonderful friendship (never enough good friends, right ?).

Regards !

Sorry for our ‘non-friendship’ welcome :-[

Nice to know.

Barry, welcome and feel free to ask any question about avast! 8)

Sorry, just sometimes it happens to me. :wink: WELCOME! ;D