Does anyone know why I can`t update virus signatures?

I have last updated Avast Premium Security.

And there is a notification that viruses` signatures are not updated.

When I try updating them it fail. I am doing this from the Settings/General/Update window.

What can I do to maintain updated viruses` signatures?

Please, explain, is this a program mistake or I am doing something wrong?

Repair Avast:

  1. Avast GUI → Settings → Troubleshooting
  2. Click on ‘REPAIR APP’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.

Unfortunately, repairing doesn`t help.

Can you tell me, what can I do else?

Download and run as admin:

It works. Thank you!

Can you explain, what is it and how can I find this tool to read about it more information?

You’re welcome. (That’s the link to the full VPS database)