Does Avast detect the new CryptoLocker malware that encrypts all your drives?

the one that encrypts all your files? i’m running Avast free, and this has got me a little worried, as it encrypts all your files and any drives connected to the computer, only decrypts if you send money.

Youtube video on it

It is beeing detected as Win32:Malware-gen.

By the way i also saw that video from Matt Rizos. :slight_smile:

It is beeing detected as Win32:Malware-gen.
Depends what Version.....

Symantec Trojan.Ransomcrypt.E = avast Win32:Infected-B [Trj]

Symantec Trojan.Ransomcrypt.B = avast Win32:Malware-gen

and more if you search…

anyway, leave the worry to avast, this is what they work on 24/7 … when you read it in the News you can be sure they have known about it for some time