Does Avast Premium Security Now Do Security Feature Updates w/no Warning/Info?

Have Avast Premium Security 19.7 Win 10 1809 Home 64-bit.

Notified by APS to restart system via Notifications about 1 hour ago (red circle white exclamation point) but had to open the GUI to see this warning.

Restarted system.

Shortly after restart the attached box below showed as a pop-up lower right-hand corner on my pc, about 2-3 minutes in.

Continued to run until 27 minutes 100% CPU then dropped to 60-75% CPU. At 30 minutes X’d the box out. CPU usage returned to 5-10% on pop-up box close.

What was it being activated?

I’m curious why this would come in without advance warning or any statement as to what this is, long after the system was updated to version 19.7 08/212019, some 3 days ago?

Just guessing here, but could this possibly be related to the rolling update/conversion of licenses to the newly named ‘Avast Premier Security.’ Given the word ‘Activating’ in the popup. I don’t know if the conversion would include updating components of features not present in your old AIS.

If it is, why it would take this long and use high CPU (“Continued to run until 27 minutes 100% CPU then dropped to 60-75% CPU”) is beyond me.

Sorry, I should’ve asked: “What Feature Activation?”

Seems features formerly locked as paid are now unlocked. This may have occurred because of the upgrade to Avast Premium Security, but, as always, seems avast does not deploy this sort of thing with proper notification, so expect other users to worry, complain, etc.,.

Would seem Avast could at least notify users that this unlocking features about to happen and why the box down there is running? I am certain I didn’t miss this notice, never was one shown other than the one under the Notifications tab. There, avast said it must restart the system and nothing else.

Thanks for replying.

[EDIT:] Highlighted word ‘proper notifcation’.

If avast notified with necessary detail, there would be no issue.

Hi, NON repoted it already…

I’ll repost the FAQ link here…

→ Premium Security FAQ:

Yes I also get frustrated with changes that have occurred without any communication/notification that would clear confusion and frustration of the “unknown”/ Not knowing what’s going on.
I have a Subscription that now shows 'Avast Premium Security (formerly Avast Premier) This subscription expires in 14 days
Not sure if the showing means the Transformation for this product is complete (As it was stated it would take a few weeks) :-\

Highlight: “Would seem…is running” is mine