Does Avast protect against "drive by" and "bot" issues?

Does Avast protect against “drive by” and “bot” issues? My interpretation of how Avast’s resident scanners work is that the answer is yes but thought I’d check with you experts and am curious as to what protects against these menaces.


Sorry to bump this but am still curious about the answer to the question. Thanks

Depends what your interpretation of “drive by” and “bot” issues are ?

I’m thinking:

Drive-by as in drive-by install or download -

Does Avast stop malware from being downloaded automatically when surfing hacked websites?

Bots as in malware hijacking your PC and causing it to join a bot network:

Does Avast stop malware making your PC a bot?


Yes. If the malware signature is into the virus database.

Yes, through WebShield. If the malware signature…

Yes if…

As Tech mentions detection of any attack on your system is dependant on avast having a signature to detect it or it being detected by one of the generic or algorithmic signatures, designed to detect unknown malware (e.g. that not detected by the normal signatures).

You should also a) ensure your system is up to date to avoid such vulnerabilities being exploited and b) a good firewall to prevent unauthorised inbound and outbound connections.