I noticed Task Scheduler has appeared in my recently launched programs list in my start menu, it’s even jumped a few levels above other programs I use, despite the fact I haven’t used it in like a year. I’m trying to figure out why this is.
Could avast be the cause?
I don’t know if this is the cause, however the Emergency Update check uses the task scheduler to check and see if an Emergency Update is available, if so would install it, if not it closes.
The frequency I believe is shortly after you first boot and or twice a day.
It has been like this for some considerable time.
If you are quick when you boot open the task manager and you may see the AvEmUpdate.exe process running, but it isn’t there for long unless there is an Emergency Update available.
Yeah it’s odd, never seen something like this. And no one else seems to know what would cause it either.
Has anyone else using windows 7 noticed this?
Well given that it isn’t open/running very long most wouldn’t notice it unless they happened to check Scheduled Tasks or some other function that records this.