Does Avast! use Virus Heaven?

DON’T change the hxxp to http until you know that your computer won’t automatically open zip files and you have a knowledge of viruses. I do not want to be yelled at for getting a virus on someone’s pc. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a site where you can download viruses in zip format. But, does Avast! use it as a extra resource?

They have been notified about it before. Also the collection there have not been updated since 2006

Wow, and Microsoft Security Essentials didn’t detect the one out of three that I downloaded. (IFrames) :o

Edit: Still, in about every scan I did with the zips, it mostly had 6 antiviruses that didn’t detect the file.

If the virus is old and does not exist in the wild, why detect it ? don`t know if that is the case with the one you scanned…
The website is not a secret so i guess everyone working with malware knows about it…