Does or does not SecureLine VPN start at system startup?

Hi friends,

Since the latest Avast update, I have started to see mysterious behaviour in Avast SecureLine VPN when starting up my computer. The support pages say that the “VPN cannot be programmed to start automatically when you start your system”. See!AmxjidfBMP6JohNVR9FDziKTJ991 (pdf file)

This is reflected on the Windows taskbar (Win 10) where the VPN icon shows “not active/connected”. However, when I cllick on the icon, the dashboard that opens shows that the VPN is on. See!AmxjidfBMP6JohVMcw1GBCXkFOoF (pdf file)

Which should I believe?

I have resolved this by switching OFF on the dashboard, and when I get a notification that the VPN is off, switching back ON, after which both the dashboard and the taskbar icon show that the VPN is on.

Can anyone shed any light on this problem? Going to the dashboard and disconnecting/reconnecting is unnecessary trouble when a user might expect that the thing just works.

By the way, has anyone found a way to contact Avast Support directly? I’ve been running in circles on the Support pages for some time now, and beginning to get irritated.

Many thanks!

Contact support:

I have the same issue. It´s kind of ennoying not to be sure, if you are protected or not. I disconnect and reconnect as well to be sure.

It seems to me, that Avast isn´t really willing to answer any questions… Bad customer service…


Some time ago, the VPN suddenly began to start automatically at system startup again. Both dashboard and taskbar icon show ON, and when checking, it really is on. Quirky.

Thanks for the feedback.

O SecureLine VPN náo ativa de nenhum jeito em meu computador.
Aparece a seguinte informação: Ops! O Avast SecureLine VPN está enfrentando um problema técnico.

Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.

Boa noite rudosan.

Para resolver problemas na ativação do Secureline sigas as etapas no link.

Se ainda permanecer nos avise,envie para o suporte e a equipe irá investigar sobre o erro ou a possível troca da licença.
