Does pup detection work?

I enabled PUP detection in avast and installed this program to test it out

it contains delta search adware that hijacks my browser’s search

even a qucikscan with pup enabled it did not detect this

is this feature broken?

adwcleaner fixes everything, but I want realtime protection

yes … plenty of PUP detections reported here in the forum … just try a forum search

how does avast not catch delta search/babylon then?
i installed that delta crap again with avast enabled for PUP on realtime and on the quickscan, neither found anything

virus total

Use avast browser cleanup tool.

Open avast user interface via desktop>>tools>> browser cleanup ;D

Some of this toolbar crap is actually dependent on how each AV company’s engines classifies them.Some call them PUP/Malware and some call them safe.

With the inbuilt browser cleanup tool,avast can help you out with those toolbars and their removal leaving the AV part alone.

All the toolbars should be classified as PUP. Especially garbage from Babylon.

Babylon has been out of avast and many other AV products classifications.

I can confirm that PUP detection does work on avast.

About 2 weeks ago, I first ran an MBAM scan on my sister’s computer. It found a little over 200 PUPs.
Then I ran a SAS scan and it found around 70 PUPs.
By that time, I figured all the possible PUPs in that computer would have already been found and removed.

But, I then ran an avast scan and it still found I believe 13 more PUPs.

Then last week all those 3 Apps again found more PUPs and a few Trojans.

Yeah, that computer is a mess. While my sister doesn’t use it at all, my brother-in-law, his daughter and a niece of mine do use it and they obviously have some very unsafe, unwise and ill-advised browsing habits. They’re App installation happy and are the type who just click on Next Next Next without reading anything.

i mean i could have easily looked for a fix like adwcleaner or avast’s manual cleaner

but i just wanted something in realtime.

not that my browsing habbits are bad, but sometimes if you install a program and deselect the adware, it still gets installed and I get anoyyed