My PC was infected by Domino Ransomware. The virus was removed without big problems, but most of the files like JPG, PDF, DOC, … on all my drives (also on the back-up drives GoogleDrive, Dropbox,… because they was also connected) are encrypted and the files have now extension .domino
Because the Domino Ransomware should be some variant of Hidden Tear ransomware, I tried to decrypt the encrypted files with the free Avast Ransomware decription tool for HiddenTear (with one encrypted and one good file).
The problem is, that the Avast HiddenTear Deryptor doesn’t know the .domino extension.
I simply changed the .domino extension to some for the decryptor known extension (.locked, .kratos, …) and the decryption could be then started.
Is it possible to change the extension of the encrypted file this way (changing the extension) and start the decryption of this HiddenTear variant, or it is necessary to make some changes in the program Avast HiddeTear decryptor to adapt it specific to this evidently unknown HiddenTear variant?
If is it possible, how can I speed up the decryption? The descryptor is running now about 5 days (without success) on my old hardware with some old AMD dual core CPU with the speed about 400/sec, which is nice speed, but for the decryptor calculated number of combination 4,3+09 (I don’t know why this number; it’s 2^32) it will take about 120 days to match the encryption password. Maybe better CPU will bring something, but is it possible to involve somehow also the GPU?
Thank you for any help and hints in advance!