
i was wondering

should i download avast 4 home and save it to a cd rom
so i can re install it if i reinstall my OPERATING SYSTEm
then update the antivirus list

or should i just visit the website and download the most current version?

which one would be fastest???i have 56k

im thinking to save the anvirus program on cd and just update the antivirus list but you guys tell me

also when a new version of avast 4 home comes
do i need to uninstall the previous version than install the new version or do i just need to update?


Hi littlemamas,

Ok, understand, 56k isn’t so quick, so IMHO I would save your downloaded Avast to a CD/RW so that you have a copy but at the same time you can overwrite the CD with newer copies as you get the time and the internet connection.

However, once you have downloaded your first copy, Avast will check with their own Servers on a regular basis (can be done manually as well) and keep not only your virus defanition file bang up tp date (very quick) but also the program is updated as well. You can configure how/when all this is done.

So unless there are any real MAJOR program changes you will always be up to date… not usually any need to un-install the previous version… except for any development hickups :wink:

Hope you enjoy Avast… IMHO it’s the best :slight_smile:


like a dream come TRUE

exactly what i wanted to hear
so tell me about this regristration

i dont wanna register nothing

Er WHY??? there’s no problems with registering here… there all good guys.

I’d even recommend you to think about upgrading to the PRO version for the small fee :wink:


Well, if you dont want to register nothing…then you will not be able to continue the use of Avast. It reguires a registration code which you will be sent via email.

Once you have the code, the use of Avast, along with program and database updates are FREE.

The registration only takes a minute, and believe me, the information you provide is minimal, basically your email address.


The decision is yours.
Good luck no matter what you choose to do.


Why not register?
What are you afraid of?
Register, none eat you up for that, this is not some
kind of terror at all.

And, second: sometimes you need a new fresh copy of avast from the website.

Just to clarify things a bit…
a new copy (or updated copy) of AVAST can always be obtained from the website FREE to all that wish it.

CONTINUED use does require a registration code.

techie :smiley:

I wont add anything… Walker, techie and zappafan said everything…
Wellcome to avast! :wink:


Cat got your tongue today? hahahaha

Your comments are always welcome!
