Downloading of Infected Files

So as you know if you try to download one of Eicar’s 4 “infected files” Avast has this pop-up box with a button “Abort Connection”. So here’s the thing. Say I want to download a file I know is clean, is there any way to bypass that pop-up without pausing any providers?

Dear Gameboyz,

If one of webpage that you visited indicate as dangerous web page, then avast will blocked it automatically.
Unless you feel that web page is harmless, then you can make exclusions for avast to scan it with :

Web Shield - Click Customize - choose Exceptions Tab - Then you can fill the website that you trust to access.

Yanto Chiang

In that case may I suggest to the developers to include a Continue and Abort button? That makes things much simpler without the need for pausing providers or adding as an exception.

Yes, it will be easier, but there is very big possibility, that most of users will use this button and get infected, because they don’t know what it will cause.

Please, no Continue button… ordinary people will just get infected…

Thanks for support.

Having a continue button would pretty much make the webshield pointless…as said, most people would click continue, and then avast! would be blamed for not protecting them ::slight_smile:

But by not having a Continue button it’s like locking somebody up so they won’t get exposed to the dangers of the world outside.

It’s like not giving the user a choice. How about Abort (Recommended) and Continue (At your own risk!) buttons? With the Abort as the default selection so hitting Enter will select Abort?

I agree.

Unfortunatly there are stupid people on the Internet and letting them have a Continue option would:
a) confuse them
b) let them continue to infect their system and then blame the anti virus application for not protecting them
c) hate people that know more than them so continue just to prove them wrong
d) need a scapegoat to blame when things go wrong
e) get rid of police as they are un-necessary and cost a lot of money
f) I get to say Na Nya. I told you so. If you did that you’l break something

Me to I strongly agree no continue button bad idea, it not good for ordinary people and it not very good for Avast ;).

Alright, I guess I’ll continue pausing the providers to bypass this. And yeah, you guys are probably right. It is bad enough that dumb people can’t read and will choose to Continue, it is worse that Avast will get blamed. ;D

Why do you need to pause the providers?

I think gameboyz mean just click onto abort connection. ??? ??? when web shield pop-up a virus message.

Bypass what?

I too am totally against any Continue button, as for your average or inexperienced user the possibility of accidental or unknowingly clicking continue could expose them to a serious infection.

For an experienced use, there is nothing to stop then pausing the web shield (not all providers) to let it be downloaded, that isn’t too onerous. As you said in your later post Alwil have to look after the less experienced user to effectively protect them from themselves.

So I can download a file which I know is clean but Avast thinks is infected.

Bypass the pop-up with only the “Abort connection” option.

You should also submit it to avast if you believe it to be clean (and have confirmed that, using virustotal, etc.)

There is a link on the alert window to Report as a false positive, see image.

Or send the sample to zipped and password protected with the password in email body, a link to this topic might help and false positive/undetected malware in the subject.

Or you can also add the file to the User Files (File, Add) section of the avast chest (if it isn’t already in the chest) where it can do no harm and send it from there. A copy of the file/s will remain in the original location, so you will need to take further action and can remove/rename that.

Send it from the User Files section of the chest (select the file, right click, email to Alwil Software). It will be uploaded (not actually emailed) to avast when the next avast auto (or manual) update is done.

That way it helps all avast users and resolves any FP.


Do not add a continue button, average users will simply ignore the alert of the web shield and get infected.
