Downloading sofware not going so well

I have been trying to download the free home version of this software and it’s not going so well. The time has already expired for it to be downloaded. It has now been three hours and I only have about 13% downloaded. Can anyone give me some advice? I have a cable modem, working off Win XP and IE6.

New Orleans

Cable modem doesn’t day much. There are many different types of subscriptions. But three hours is too much. Even a 56k6 modem is faster. Does your provider mention anything about maintenance or something? Have you already contact them? Are there any other problems with (slow) downloads?

I haven’t had any other problems at all. This is the one and only time. I have a DSL cable moden where it usually takes merely seconds.

Just checked and no problems with downloading here. (less than 10 seconds for the English Home version)

How exactly are you downloading it?
Download manager?
Other downloads running?
High cpu usage?
Enough diskspace?
Bandwidth limiter installed?
Is this the first time you trying to download it?
Tried it on other times of the day?
Are you in the same location of their servers? (usa that is, if I am correct)

I am using the basic installer. No I haven’t tried other times of the day yet. Yes first time trying it. I have two hard drives and am not downloading it on the master drive. Do you think that would be the problem? Yes I am in the USA, yes I have enough space. Bandwith has never been a problem. No, I am not downloading anything else.

I just downloaded Visual Pro in three seconds. It has nothing to do with my computers capacity nor my memory. Nor the time of day. How can one download it in seconds and the other take three and a half hours?

My guess is that there is a connection problem between your ISP and the Avast servers. (or somewhere along the way) Try it again later. See if it goes ok then.

I have just tried it and even using dial-up it is downloading at about 4KB per sec (1MB every 4 min), this was on

There is a redirect to download servers to spread the load, so which one were you redirected/trying to connect to?