DRM - What kind of animal is that?

Hi malware fighters,

What are the implications of DRM in Vista, and why does it go far beyond the scope of Microsoft only.
Why it is so much harder to buy content once and play it on whatever you like. Content-industry does not like us to do that. Sometimes it even goes so far that playing content in certain ways is not allowed.
Read about it here: http://polishlinux.org/gnu/drm-vista-and-your-rights/
Polish info: http://jakilinux.org/gnu/vista-drm-i-nasze-prawa/

Very interesting and a bit scary information indeed. Is there no one to speak up for consumers?


P.S. Click on the eye to animate!

Is there no one to speak up for consumers?
The surest way to voice your disapproval is to not buy the product.

Hitting the company in the pocket book is the surest and usually the only way to make them listen.

Fully agree. Isn’t it what Sony did last year?