I installed avast Anti-theft in stealth mode on my rooted Galaxy S2 using a custom name for the app. But I see in Droidwall (my firewall) it still shows up as avast anti-Theft instead of the name I chose for the app.
Have I done something wrong with the installation or is this a bug with AAT? It basically defeats the point of the stealth install.
i just know that droidwall has some cache for app names, maybe the app name is still cached there. also are you sure you chose a custom name? i am sure droidwall is not able to guess names
I definitely set a custom name because LBE Privacy guard displays AAT under the custom name I set so the custom name has been set. If Droidwall is using a cache I don’t know and I can’t see anywhere in the app to clear the cache.
What about the apk in /system/app/? Is that supposed to have the custom name too or the AAT name (com.avast.android.antitheft.apk)?