Droidwall still shows avast Anti-theft instead of custom name

I installed avast Anti-theft in stealth mode on my rooted Galaxy S2 using a custom name for the app. But I see in Droidwall (my firewall) it still shows up as avast anti-Theft instead of the name I chose for the app.

Have I done something wrong with the installation or is this a bug with AAT? It basically defeats the point of the stealth install.

does it show wrongly also after reboot?

Yes, rebooting doesn’t change it. Stilling showing up as AAT instead of my custom name.

EDIT: fixed typo - doesn’t

Also noticed that the app is listed as com.avast.android.antitheft.apk under /system/app.

Should that not be the custom name I chose when installing AAT?

i just know that droidwall has some cache for app names, maybe the app name is still cached there. also are you sure you chose a custom name? i am sure droidwall is not able to guess names :slight_smile:

I definitely set a custom name because LBE Privacy guard displays AAT under the custom name I set so the custom name has been set. If Droidwall is using a cache I don’t know and I can’t see anywhere in the app to clear the cache.

What about the apk in /system/app/? Is that supposed to have the custom name too or the AAT name (com.avast.android.antitheft.apk)?

the apk file does not contain the name “avast! Anti-Theft” so it MUST be cached because DroidWall cant guess the name.

OK, I’ll clear the Droidwall cache and see if that sorts the problem.