In a prior post there was a procedure for adding the status of e-mail scanned to each e-mail recieved.
I have lost this procedure could someone possibly re-post.
I use T-bird as mail client and Avast Home as anti-virus.
Thanks for the help.
If you know it is in a thread, then why not search for it instread of starting a new one while the question is already answered?
Right click the blue ball with the “a” next to the clock
Select the on-access scanner
Click on internet mail and set it there
Do the same for the Outlook/exchange settings
I only posted my question after doing a manual and auto search for the thread.Unfortunately I could not find and had to ask you.
Thanks for the information it solved my problem.
Again sorry I bothered you
Thanks for the information it solved my problem. Again sorry I bothered youNo one who asks a question because they need help, is ever a bother. These Forums are here to help others. Welcome to the Forum. We are glad you joined us. Keep one thing in mind, there are people on here from all over the world. So if it sometines sounds harsh, it's only a difference in the language. :)