I have “succesfull uninstall” e-mail protection using Wizard procedure, but still POP3 server was .I have changed it with my ISP mail server name and OE now works. IE still wants this your server, can you tell me where is again written it ?
Many thanks
Start the Mail Protection Wizard from the start menu, and turn off mail scanning.
In e-mail protection wizard I have executed “Automatically remove protection from all my account”…
Isn’t enough ? I havn’t this “mail scanning” to turn off…
That should be enough. That’s all there is to modify the mail accounts.
There have to be something more …
IE has been redirected to your server (that still work…
for good luck ) and without avast! installed I 'd be without IE !!!
Of course a programmer that has worked on this part of
program knows everything !
Avast does not redirect Internet Explorer. Is it redirected to some port on the local address ( ? And what is the name of the process that listens on that port ?
I get these info from ZoneAlarm firewall .When a program want to access Internet I’m asked if it is allowed to. It give me Destination IP (usually ,…my ISP ) and program name . Now Iexplorer.exe want access Internet through Destination IP : Port xxxx ( Port always change). E-mail protection install changes the server names for POP3 and SMTP to (on the ccount ),and for IMAP4…I don’t know where ( IE… but where ?).
The "Automatically remove protection from all my account " execution has reset to the original driver name only SMTP.I have manually changed POP3 (and is OK)…now there is IE ( that couldn’t work without avast installed …!) . Maybe my english and tecnical terms are not completely exact…
If you want a log trace…but there isn’t much more…
Many thanks.
Isn’t that ‘ : Port xxxx’ actually the source address, i.e. the address FROM which IE makes the connection ? That would make sense.
Anyway the Mail Protection Wizard has nothing to do with Internet Explorer and doesn’t change its settings.
I attach a not formatted trace,but enough understandable…where you see how is the access to Internet.
Maybe I have confused some stuff…There is the HOSTS file in windows folder that is controlled by TCP/IP before decoding a URL. The entry
is “localhost” and is always accessed…by IE…
The name of your server that is the same …moreover I have always used, till now, the firewall in silent mode… All of them has contributed…
Sorry ,thanks a lot ,regards.
PS- I attach the Host file.