earthlink mail does't cut/paste

I rent my pc…I first downloaded avast on harddrive w/o dvd burner…then switched to harddrive w/ dvd burner…I was told by my friend to keep saying I’m new…but no key…so I stated I lost my key… recieved original key in earthlink mailbox…typed in key , but it said that it was invaid…Next, I watched the video and repeatly tried to cut and paste…didn’t work. Now what?

When copying, be sure you don’t have a blank space at the end.

Try re-registering and try the 3rd option ‘I’m a registered user and my registration key has expired, I need a new one’

Check your system date also.
What version of avast do you have 4.7.892 is the latest release, if you have an earlier version you could have other problems and that may trigger this, that however is a swag, scientific, wild, a**ed, guess.