Easy Pass has been dumped by Firefox upgrade

version 43 has dumped my easypass!!! What can I do? Nothiing. It’s on Aviast to fix it according to Firefox… here:

This is NOT GOOD!
What’s Avast gonna do? I have lots of passwords in there!! Now I can’t use them in Firefox… BOO!

Submit a ticket: https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new

I’ve the same problem! I can’t work …

Easy Pass is replaced by avast passwords in avast antivirus, so I doubt it will be an update to fix it.

As workaround you can use Firefox ESR.

I have the exact same problem. Fix it please, it is not that hard apparently. For everyone that has paid it is a bit annoying.

Same here. And that is annoying.
I have payed to get premium access using Easy Pass and now is not working on Firefox.

I am waiting to fix that!!


My personal opinion is that i don’t find that as a solution. The solution is Avast as a company to verified the add-on that i have pay for.

Thank you for your answer though.

You could say that Mozilla has to fix this, since they are the ones who changed things.
They could have said that the signing only goes for new add-ons and not for the current existing ones.
They also could have set xpinstall.signatures.required false by default.

I’ve just changed from Google Chrome as I was having so many problems with it and went to Firefox and have had the same problem - can’t use easypass and can’t even add it to the add-ons.

Have Avast had a fall out with firefox? and FF is playing stupids and rejecting easypass? When is this going to be sorted?? I’m really annoyed with this situation as it is causing so much time wasting - plus, like everyone else - we’ve paid for this!!!

When is it going to be sorted?

Ditto to all the complaints above. The least that Avast could do if the refuse to fix this issue is refund those people that have paid!!!

Easy pass is still working, just not with FireFox 43.x.

Because Mozilla decided to make changes, not avast.

User where warned that many add-ons would soon not gonna work anymore in FireFox 41.x and 42.x
They had time enough to

  • ask Mozilla about certain add-ons, but they didn’t.
  • search for other add-ons that would work.
  • enough to switch to a other browser.

Don’t blame the oil company for making the same fuel for years if a car manufacturer decides to put a engine in their cars that can’t handle that fuel anymore.

From Mozilla :

Unsigned add-ons can still be installed in Developer Edition, Nightly, and ESR versions of Firefox, after toggling the xpinstall.signatures.required preference in about:config.
The solution is really simple. If you want to use Easy Pass and FireFox, use one of those versions.

Thanks for the tip!
I fixed it in the about:config. as you suggested.

HOWEVER, I had NO warnings from Mozilla about disabling this Add-on or any others. I guess I’m just not enough of a real computer geek to read every little announcement from the Mozilla website (I have only rarely visited it.)

I just read the Easy Pass blocking posts-Seems to me that someone (Avast) needs to be PROACTIVELY taking some action when a MAJOR internet player (Mozilla) changes the rules on accepting software that Avast is SELLING. I never received any commun ication from AVAST regarding this. I am not a power user, just someone who has memory issues. Perhaps if AVAST is not resolving this matter, since they are the add-on and not the GATEKEEPER, I need to look elsewhere (another vendor) for a solution. I have asked tech support about this and receive extremely SLOW responses-I can only suppose that AVAST has other issues they are having trouble dealing with…

Guys, all you should have in mind that EasyPass is replaced by avast passwords and is not under the support. I doubt it will have any updates in the future, so the best advise may be to use avast passwords instead.

Use avast password instead of avast easypass we paid for . what a good idea.
So please refund avast easypass users

OK… I bought it… but it’s still called “Easypass” on my computer!! Looks like we could at least see a name change for the money, but we wouldn’t want to cause the Avast “pirates” any inconvenience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope this helps…
