I only seem to have the latter in my free Avast installation (Win7). I’m currently using DashLane but finding it a bit intrusive and frustrating. Can I transfer my passwords to an Avast system?
PS I find it almost impossible to read the characters in the verification image!
At this moment there is no import option, I’ve moved all my passwords manually (Copy>Paste). It is not so time consuming as it seems, and I had a lot of them ;D
SO if they’re not the same thing, and avast passwords is to replace easy pass, what happens when I recently paid for another year of easy pass? Refund?
If I remember the discussion right, at some moment you may be offered the Premium key for avast passwords for the same period as replacement. I don’t know if it is still in the work and then it will be available.
I have had EasyPass for several years and my licence will be soon expiring how can I transfer all my passwords to Avast Passwords? Is there a way of exporting from EasyPass and importing into Avast Passwords?
I have had to begin using Avast Passwords since Firefox has once again disabled my EasyPass tool bars. Problem is, I don’t find Avast Passwords to be as functional as EasyPass. i.e. I’ve found no option for saving passwords for programs, such as for Quicken or for protected XL files, or other information I would like to pw protect.
At present I continue to use EP, even though I have imported those PWs to AP.
The EP tool bars were disable by FF once before, I was able to find a process to reenable them (causing many warnings for FF). Would like to do that again if I can find the right config information.
Is it possible that AP is has all the functions of EP but I’m not seeing it?
Same problem as you, Tashgw. So, if you find a solution …
I take this opportunity to say that I’m quite dissatisfied with the attitude of Avast. Not because I expect them to answer, but, at least, to let the world know my frustration.
When I wanted to renew my EP licence, I had to migrate to AP, that offers much less than EP. No possibility to fill in other forms, no other fields userID and passwords. Few days later, EP wakes up and invites me to renew the licence. A bit surprised, I followed the procedure and obtained a new key for EP. As I don’t like AP, I accepted to pay for this new EP key.
So, I paid twice. I sent a message to Avast, but never received aby answer.
Today, I installed a new update for Firefox (48.0), and the EP module is now disabled. No way to obtain a new certificate for EP from Avast.
I hope that Avast will consider that, since I paid for 1 year, they will have to maintain the product for at least one year, and that they will publish a new certificate for FF.
Else I will run Avast products (Internet Sec, Cleanup, EP/AP) untill licences expire, then I’ll migrate to other logo’s, who provide a real support.
I have never thought that Avast provided good customer service. It’s sort of like a blank brick wall.
I think FF still will have a change to the config settings that will the function that disables the toolbars, but I’ll have to figure that out. I had to do that once before. Ran that way for about 1 year with no ill results.
Yes, I thought of something so too. I had a quick look at FF config, but found nothing. But, for sure, FF config demands more than a quick look.
OK, the first of us who finds something…
JiPi64 I have had the exact same problem. I followed the prompts to renew and bought the EP renewal, and the key they sent me doesn’t work. After over a week back and forth with “customer care” I found out that EP is no longer supported and I have the ‘option’ of switching to Passwords - free or upgrade.
So I installed Passwords but now my EP has expired and I can’t export my pw list!
Does anyone know how to get the EP password file out of an expired EasyPass???
so from what i understand so far Avast Password is the successor of EasyPass but its far inferior to its predecessor? I have my license for EP until 5/07/2017) but now i cant run it on firefox only on chrome. Will this be kept up like this? Is the support for EP especially on FF really dead?
Edit: I have also renewed the license for Avast Internet Security for 2 years back in 5/8/2016 so if you look at it there pretty close together but i have yet to get a premium key for avast password.