Email Help!!!

Okay I have a problem - I just installed avast home edition yesterday. Works great and worked great with my email until I got up this morning.

I belong to several graphics groups the problem is if I send and email with and attachment it shows up fine - if I write a note or embed and image all I get is a blank email back???

The email shows up at the groups fine - it’s just when it arrives back in my inbox the emails are blank with just the 'avast note" in my mail - no words no embedded graphic???

Help!! If I turn the resident protection off I can see my notes and embedded graphics fine - turn it back on and blank!!!

I really like this program - way better than any other AV protection I’ve used but if I can’t see my emails it’s no good to me.

Thanks Fishinmom

Do you use Outlook or Outlook Express (or similar type of email program)? In other words, do you use Internet Mail Provider or Outlook/Exchange? If you disable “insert notes into message” is the problem out? If you use Outlook program you can try insert into avast4.ini file into [MailScanner] section following line:

(if [MailScanner] section doesn’t exist, create it - so insert to the end of ini file following text):

I’m using Outlook Express so it’s using the “internet mail” option. And yes it works if I uncheck the insert notes. That’s kind of odd!

Can you send me some problematic (empty) email? thanks!

I’ve forwarded you one of the emails. On my computer it appears blank except for the incoming and outbound mail messages inserted by avast and the ads at the bottom from the group I"m in. The text I’ve written and my inserted sig tag do not show up. I know they are there and everyone else can see them when they get them - just doesn’t show up on my computer unless I uncheck the inbound and outbound notes in my settings or I shut off the Internet mail scan.