email plugin for Avast 6.01 causes Outlook 2003 to crash

When using outlook 2003 on windows 7 64bit, Avast causes outlook to crash with “Microsoft Outlook has stopped working”. If I disable the avast plugin the problem goes away. Any ideas what might be causing this problem?

Has anyone else seen this problem? The Avast plugin does not seem to work with Office 2003 on windows 7 64bit.

yep - welcome to the club. from your post i know now the problem is os independent.

i first noticed the prob with outlook 2k3 crashing with enabled avast email shield under
xp. i submitted a support ticket to the avast guys but they replied with a std. answer “…thanks
for your input … we are looking who’s affected…”

so i don’t think they are going to fix this bug in the near future! sorry to say that :frowning:

edit check also this thread - maybe it’s a wakeup call for the guys at avast (hopefully)

What is the error message when it crashes? Anything in the application log (eventvwr.msc)? Screenshot? Really no information to start with here.

I am running Outlook 2003 (sp3) with Avast v6 with no issues, 32 bit os (XP SP3)…no issues here

To double check that it may be an Avast plug-in problem


First, I suggest you try to start outlook in safe mode and check the issue. If the problem does not occur in the safe mode, this issue might be related to some third-party add-ins in outlook. You can disable add-ins by follow steps:

a. Click File menu, click Options > Add-in, click Go button in the Manage: Com-in Add.

b. Check if there are any add-ins, clear the checkbox to disable them.

c. Close the outlook and restart it.

In addition

Second, ensure Outlook is not running in compatibility mode:

· Locate C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14 Outlook.exe

· Right-click Outlook.exe, and then click Properties.

· On the Compatibility tab, click to clear the Run this program in compatibility mode for check box.

· Click OK and try to start Outlook again.

If it still not works, try to run the command like this:

Click Start->Run…then type “Outlook.exe /resetnavpane” in open box.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Outlook.exe

is Office 2010 and there is no plugin for that one. For Office 2003, the path would be

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe

on a standard install.

I started the program in safe mode and it had no problems. That is what pointed me to the Avast plug-in. I then restarted in normal mode and outlook to crashed, as expected. The only error I get is: “Microsoft Office Outlook has stopped working” After this outlook will restart.

To force the problem to happen… I open outlook, then start opening emails. When I get about 5 emails open the program crashes. If I disable the avast plug-in I have no problems… However now my email is not protected.

Any ideas?

I tried to run the outlook.exe /resetnavpane - did not resolve the problem

I also checked outlook.exe and it is NOT running in compatibility mode.

You really do not need the plugin for email protection. It is scanned by mail shield on sending/receiving

What do I lose if I don’t re-enable the email plugin?

The splash screen? :smiley: Seriously, it is gone from Outlook 2010 (no MAPI there any more), no loss really. All IMAP/POP3/SMTP is checked via the mail shield (unless you have screwed your setup and enabled SSL/TLS in Outlook settings.)

I don’t really like the splash screen anyway. I am just using normal pop email, so I should not have messed up any normal settings. I will check outlook just in case.

Ok, just check that it is set to port 110 and without SSL/TLS encryption. Other than that, you can safely live without the plugin.

If you only use POP3 and not Exhange then you loose nothing. Mail shield will take care of that. The outbound emails might not get signed anymore. In any case the next release will have some diagnostic tools implemented for this plugin, so hopefully you will be able to help us diagnose where the problem occurs in order to fix any potential issues for the future.