Just updated to the latest version, v4.7.892. One little glitch.
I use pop peeper to check various email accounts and since updating to the new version of Avast I could not access my Adelphia (pop) and my AOl(IMAP) accounts using pop peeper.
War1 at the pop peeper forums advised me to disable or uncheck “scan inbound mail” in both POP and IMAP and that fixed the problem. I could then access all my accounts using pop peeper.
I was wondering if something changed in the newest version of Avast to cause this problem. All earlier versions of Avast had the box to scan inbound mail in both POP and IMAP checked and I had no problems with pop peeper.
Should I just leave both of those boxes unchecked if I want to use pop peeper?
If so, how would I get Avast to scan these email accounts?
just so you can appreciate David’s help even more … he is just another avast user, not part of Alwil Software and volunteers his advice based on his wealth of knowledge of avast to help others.
You might be “just an Avast user” but you’re like Yogi,
“smarter than the average bear” hey Boo Boo!
I better wrap this up so you can get on with helping guys like me.
alanrf, Thanks for the heads up about DavidR. Even though he volunteers his advice he should still get the big bucks and so I will send out a check to xxxxxx xx xxxxxx.