Email scan ?

I am using Windows ME, Eudora 6, and the latest Avast. I had to turn check outgoing mail off, but incoming is still scanned. Today it detected a virus in an incoming email. I chose the option to delete it permanently. When I did this, nothing seemed to be happening for what I thought was a long time. I stopped the check mail and tried again. Virus detected. This time I chose delete to recycle. Again a long time whrere the “yin/yang” symbol of Eudora spun, and it showed no progress in downloading the email. Should I have waited longer? I did manage to eliminate it using the ISP’s mail checking site. Thanks :). At least it’s comforting to know the program is working!

Windows ME is your probably upgrade to Windows XP

I received the same email again. I tried to click Delete and it timed out. I checked mail again, just clicked OK when I got the virus warning. It downloaded the mail and I just deleted it without opening.


Avast does not “timeout”. This is a function of your ISP.
More than likely a lost connection.
I know you said you have the latest version but what version and build do you have? 4.1.335 is the latest.
Home or Pro???

Also, why do you have the outgoing mail scan shut down?

Sometimes, a virus can be part of a larger file, or included with a bitmap file (which can be much larger than jpegs)
This would take a bit of time to transfer from you ISP server to you computer email client.

I am not sure at this point why AvVast did not delete the email immediatley when you clicked “delete”.
I can only summize that it was a problem with the data transfer. You were wise to delete it via web.

and yes, I am glad that it works too! ;D

Let me know if you have any other problems with Avast.

I am using 4.1.335. From what I can determine from the forum, there is a bug having to do with programs such as Eudora which use x-sender. It does something to outgoing mail. The virus (a worm) was in a zip file so that may have had something to do with it.


Glad to hear everything is ok now. I am not aware of any problem with Eudora and x sender. I know that a problem with Pegasus 4.1 was just fixed in the new build.

Yes, a zip file may have been the problem had it been downloaded, but the long delay is what is a bit confusing.

Anyway, keep an eye on it. I feel it was more a problem with the ISP connection.


Ive noticed a couple of times I had to tell it to perm delete, or it didnt get taken out…I tell it this all the time now and it works.

Thanks techie, the email problem was discussed in the earlier topic “mail bounces back”.