
I just installed your home version and I’m not sure if i have it set up right for email. I specified as my smtp and same for pop. I sent myself an email and got no messages in the received email. Can you tell me if i have it installed right?

AOL offers Web-based mail and doesn’t support POP access. That’s why avast cannot scan it for viruses.

Is there a sulotion to my problem? I have aol as my email provider. Are you saying Avast can not support aol email? Thanks for your reply.


Avast cannot scan AOL mail during download. But you can rely on avast on-access scanner that it catches the virus when you run the infected program or open the infected document.

Please tell me your avast version (whole build number) and what Windows and service pack do you have.

Thanks for your reassurance, I will keep my fingers crossed:)


To no1riggie, I installed avast4, currently using Windows 98, I’m not sure what service pack, where can I obtain this info?

To obtain exact version of operating system run command prompt and type ver command.

There are two versions of Windows 98 labeled as Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE (SE = Second Edition). Service Packs are available only for Windows NT,2k,XP

Roman Svihalek…I checked my system…I’m running windows 98 4.10.2222a