Why am I not seeing any indications of any emails being scanned by Avast? I have email scanned turned on but when I click on mail shield it shows no activity whatsoever under shield traffic. Also at the bottom nothing appears beside “last email scanned” or “last email infected”. I have no way of knowing if avast is actively scanning my emails. Any help would be appreciated.
Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, etc. ???
Which one are you using ???
My ISP provides Gmail as their mail program. I download all my mail via Thunderbird using my gmail settings. I also forgot to mention that on my Mail Shield page inside Avast it always shows E-mails scanned/infected as 0/0.
Since it is deliverd by Gmail, then i guess you have SSL settings ?
meaning if you want avast to scan the mail, you must remove the SSL settings from your mail client and let avast do the SSL connection
avast! 5.x: Some e-mails are not scanned by the Mail Shield
Some info: if you dont get it to work, you are still protected
Gmail protect all accounts with postini spam/virus filter using two AV engines from Authentium and McAfee
It is the same for avast! 6.0
Yes, they are all encrypted as SSL. If I understand your link properly Avast won’t scan unless I change them to none? Is this what I should do to have Avast scan my emails? Would doing so stop my ability to receive my emails? Just want to know as much as possible before I try your proposed solution.
As you now have 20 posts please go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then select your country in Please select your country: then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.
I suggest he does that after he’s solved his problem.
are you locked on to that signature nag again ???
If I understand your link properly Avast won't scan unless I change them to none?correct....that is the point with SSL...it is a secure connection...cant be scanned
so if you want avast to scan, you dissable the SSL in your mail client and let avast take care of the SSL connection…so it will still be secure
it is all in the guide posted above
Thank you, I’ll give it a try and post how things turn out for me. I also hope my profile update is what somebody wanted me to do? Thanks again!
I also hope my profile update is what somebody wanted me to do?it is voluntary........but a demand from Kenny ;D
I just gave your fix a try and it seems to work perfectly. I changed from SSL to none in my email client settings, then sent myself an emai with a small video attachment. Now I see the email scanned information in Avast and the email did go out and did come in. I thank all who responded to my question!
Its not a demand but it sure helps us avast! Überevangelists help people to use avast! better.
YoKenny, if it will make you feel better, I may be an American now, but I was born in Winnipeg and migrated to the US in 1964. So you and I are brothers of a sort!!!
congrats…you now have trippel scanning of your mail Authentium/McAfee/avast that should be secure enough ;D
In Canada Winnipeg is affectionaly known as Winterpeg ;D
I worked in Raleigh N.C. for 2.5 years and hated to have to go back to Cold Canada EH!
Well Pondus, my email will certainly be secure but now to figure how to protect myself from that dreadful Win 7 security 2012!!! I got hit with it a few weeks ago and it changed my system forever. Of course I’m talking about losing my Windows Security Center. Because of that I also lost my auto Windows Update feature, Windows Defender, and Windows Firewall. I’ve had the virus removed and to compensate for my loses I have to manually look for windows update, installed Comodo for a firewall, and Superantispyware for a defender. One more thing I did was to install Norton DNS. That seems to work perfectly along with Avast. Don’t know what else I can do. Just wish all the AV programs can get a handle on this monster. I know quite a few people that have been plagued with it. In my case Avast alerted me, but not until after it installed itself and caused irrevocable damage. :‘( :’(
No Security program will ever be able to protect you or me 100%.
One of the reasons why regular image backups are essential.
Unless you have one available to install which was made prior to the infection,
a fresh installation is about the only option.
Well Pondus, my email will certainly be secure but now to figure how to protect myself from that dreadful Win 7 security 2012I recomend Malwarebytes PRO then you get a protection module, IP block (that David does not like) and auto update
a one time fee for a lifetime license http://www.malwarebytes.org/
Remove Win 7 Security 2012 (Uninstall Guide)
Automated Removal Instructions for Win 7 Security 2012 using Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware:
.....and caused irrevocable damagethen i recomend you let Essexboy have a look inside.....and fix it