Mp4 videos that people upload to a forum are no longer showing in the browser. It used to work fine, so I don’t know what has changed?
Mp4 videos that people upload to a forum are no longer showing in the browser. It used to work fine, so I don’t know what has changed?
Are you getting any Avast Alerts or browser errors displayed to the screen.
If so attach the image of the alert or screen error to your reply, see my attached image (click to expand) to see how.
Have you got any examples of this URL path mp4 problem, just the domain-name.com/theMP4filename.mp4 so the link isn’t active.
Here’s the link: https://content-eu.invisioncic.com/d321955/monthly_2023_09/PXL_20230910_204127760_TS.mp4.804f90a25a4d13724bfcc5cd9837543c.mp4
No errors, just this:
I’m sorry I can’t really check that direct link out.
Well in a way I can, because it is a direct link to the mp4 files and I get 3 seconds of wind noise. So the file is present and can be run directly from your link and if it is 3 seconds of wind noise its working.
As I’m not a member (presumably you have to be) and I really need to be able to get to the page in your image and then try to run the mp4
thank you for reporting this issue.
I will send it to the development team
The issue was reported to the development team.