Emeditor got "The file prevalence/reputation is low"?

emeditor is one of my favorite editor and i have it installed on my computer for a long time. i use it everyday and avast have never say anything about it. but just now when i open an emeditor window avast alert “The file prevalence/reputation is low” and prompt for autosandboxing. so what does it mean by this? who make the “prevalence/reputation”? and how does avast distinguish one file from another? by filename?

avast version is 7.0.1426 with 120503-01 virus database
emeditor on my computer is 9.17 x64 version
my system is windows 7 ultimate x64 with newest patches

some info for u to read up :wink:


should answer ur questions.

it does the same thing with devcpp

@newhere: please do not hijack other ppl’s post. wait for a response to ur own topic.


so does the “reputation” here is as the same meaning as “prevalence”? does this alert only mean that the file is seldom seen in the in-cloud database?

hmm assume reputation to be the same as prevalence here (even though it is not really the same English meaning…)

the reason for autosandbox to sandbox apps with ‘The file prevalence/reputation is low’ is based on data at avast servers that the whole avast community (everybody using avast) rarely use these apps (eg. emeditor).

basically, whenever u or other avast users open emeditor, avast notes the behaviour of emeditor and updates the cloud intelligence (filerep) on how emeditor behaves on systems. after a substantial period of analysis from sufficient avast users, avast will then deem if emeditor is safe/malicious and stream info from avast servers to avast clients (the antivirus on ur computer) to be released from being sandboxed/ added to virus database respectively.

Something should be wrong with last updates: today I had the same alarm when I debugged with an application I’m developping in C++ and MS Visual Studio Express 2010, and with CPNTools that I have been using for months. I changed the AutoSandBox from “Automatic” to “Ask”.

@Rougi, have u used the tools since avast v7? or this is the 1st time ur using with avast v7.
this is because in v6, filerep is not present. thus no such autosandbox pop-ups due to low prevalence/reputation