EMET 4.0

Microsoft’s free tool in combating zero days and exploits is about to get a major release next week. Currently the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) version 4.0 is in BETA. For those that are using a Microsoft environment and not deploying EMET, you are seriously missing out. EMET is one of those tools that takes a significant jump in the protection of your systems. EMET is a tool designed to prevent known and unknown exploits in a way that prevents traditional exploit methods. EMET has the following protection mechanisms built into it:


uninstalled it,
the EMET 4.0 beta causes way too many conflicts and instability issues
(e.g. if you running Opera with YT video protected by EMET and IE10 protected by EMET then IE10 fails to start)

had several software cause soft and hard errors due …

maybe next version, but for now too much work (compared to previous 2.x and 3.x)

Hence the “beta”.