:-\ I have just run a virus scan and found KWBot-D has taken residence desite Avast 4 in operation. VDRB was activated. Problem: scan will not allow me to delete, rename or move virus to chest. Scan will therefore not continue and virus remains.
It seems that this Virus spread via Kazza. Take a look at this link: http://www.virusbtn.com/resources/vgrep/vgrep.cgi?terms=KWBot&product=0
Maybe the easiest is to start Windows in safe mode and then start Avast or close the running “Virustasks” and delete the files than. What are the names of the files Avast found that Virus in, cmd32.exe or system32.exe?
I followed the directions in the link you sent me. I went into the safe mode and edited the registry as suggested, after a full virus scan. The virus did show up, but was easily deleted this time. No problems with the computer so far…BTW, I am running WIN98SE. ;D