Endpoints Error of Avast 2014 free


i Have installed the Avast 2014 free antivirus but after i open the antivirus this popup open that shields are not activated
few later activation, shield automatically get unactivated.

If i start scan this message come

There are no more endpoints from the endpoint mapper .

Kindly help me

What exact version of avast do you have?
What is your os/sp?
Do you (or did you) have any other security software installed?

Avast Version is 2014.9.0.2008

OS is Windows 7 and
PC is Dell gx 270
and no other security software is not installed

I suggest you use avastclear to remove the current installation and then install the latest version of avast.
That should solve the problem.

Thanks for giving time to my problem.

I already tried it three times :frowning:

What exactly did you try/do?

Could you check avast logs? event.log. And also Windows Event log might give some hint what’s wrong…